DR MOHAMED RAMZI LEBBIKhalil CHAHBI2024-07-17T16:53:26+02:00 DR MOHAMED RAMZI LEBBI General manager FacebookGazouillementInstagram
DR LEILA JEBNOUNKhalil CHAHBI2024-07-17T16:55:28+02:00 DR LEILA JEBNOUN Executive director et Business development manager FacebookGazouillementInstagram
DR MEHDI BOUHLELMehrez Abid2024-07-17T16:56:42+02:00 DR MEHDI BOUHLEL Regulatory affairs manager, head pharmacist and market access manager FacebookGazouillementInstagram
DR IMED ELOUEDKhalil CHAHBI2024-07-30T23:33:01+02:00 DR IMED ELOUED Compliance officer FacebookGazouillementInstagram
IMEN FERJANIMehrez Abid2024-07-17T17:01:09+02:00 IMEN FERJANI Supply chain and billing manager FacebookGazouillementInstagram