Report adverse event and medical information
Patients vary in their biological reactions to pharmaceutical products. This is why not all adverse
events (side effects, e.g. allergic reactions) associated with the use of pharmaceutical products
can be detected during clinical development, not even by the most comprehensive clinical trials.
Capturing as many of these adverse reactions, however rare they may be, from worldwide sources
is of paramount importance for continued patient and drug safety (pharmacovigilance).
In case you experience any adverse events following the administration of our product(s) please report it to the following email:
email: pv@mcpharma.com.tn
For any medical inforamtion please contact us through the following:
Email: medicalinfo@mcpharma.com.tn
Phone number: +216 98701105
PS: All the information and personal data you share with us will be protected and kept confidential in
line with our company standard operating procedures and applicable national data protection

Report a product quality complaint
Quality complaints concern the quality of drug product.
Complaints can be about:
• Packaging material (the bottle is leaking the cap is difficult to open, the label color is fading, one tablet in the blister is missing .)
• The products aspect (the tablet or solution color is diffrent, the tablet is broken..)
In such a case please inform us by:
quality hotline : qualite@mcpharma.com.tn

Report a compliance notification
Matters concerning Business Ethics, Accounting issues and Fraud should be reported to the Compliance Hotline:
• Email: alerte@mcpharma.com.tn
Tel: (+216) 70 289 254
Attn. compliance officer mc Pharma Avenue Neptune, Immeuble La Percee Verte, App B4-4 Bloc B,
4eme étage 1090 Les Jardins de Carthage, Tunis, Tunisie